Here you can find the most frequently asked questions we get.

If you have further questions, you can always contact us through our contact page.

Sometimes it depends on your geographic location and the volume of your order but it should not exceed 5 business days.
Not only will you be acquiring a dress or shirt with Mayan embroidery of high cultural and historical value, but with your purchase you will be supporting the artisans and their families, as well as promoting traditions and maintaining their legacy for a longer period of time. 
As these are unique pieces, there are no exchanges or refunds.
We do not have a physical store because we do not have rent and similar expenses, so we can offer you the best proteins in the market at a more accessible price.
We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter where we will be sharing monthly photos of the activities and programs that will be carried out with your support, focused on areas such as personal finance, information technologies, basic education, etc.